Frequently Asked Questions

What is Job-Z?

Job-Z is a job search website dedicated to making it easy for you to find a job, whether it’s full-time, part-time, or an on-the-side gig.

We're basically job search fairies: we use advanced software to quickly sift through and organize the newest and most relevant job postings and deliver them over to you in one convenient, neat, tidy place.

How will Job-Z help me get a job?

Countless emails, hundreds of open tabs, endless amounts of applications sent out every day...we know the grind is stressful and time-consuming, which is why we keep it simple. We only show you jobs that we’re sure match up with your distinct requirements (industry, location, salary, etc.), skills, and interests.

We also create and source helpful content to help boost your job search. Take a break from the job boards for a minute (seriously – you’ll thank us later) and browse through our library of videos, career information, salary stats, relevant news, and more.

What is Jobcase?

Job-Z is powered by Jobcase: the only social media site dedicated to empowering America’s workforce. It’s an online one-stop-shop where you can manage all things job-related, and our partnership allows you to take advantage of its innovative technology and bolster your job search.

Jobcase's mission is to help job seekers showcase their best selves using the power of the online personal profile. Jump into Jobcase community – you’ll quickly see why there are over 80 million members across the country. Oh, did we mention it’s 100% free?

Why do I keep seeing educational offers and ads on Job-Z?

The bottom line is that furthering your education is the #1 proven way to earn more money, and our goal is to help you achieve financial and employment stability for yourself and your family.

Also, we want to continue to provide these services for free, and running these advertisements allows us to do so.

If you find the ads distracting or unhelpful, contact us at We strive to make it easy for you to find a job, and if you feel we’re falling short, please let us know.

Can Job-Z help me build my resume?

Absolutely! Matter of fact, Jobcase can actually build it for you using the Automatic Resume Generator (click here to learn how to use it). You can use this tool via Job-Z or Jobcase.

Both Jobcase and Job-Z give you an opportunity to showcase all your experience. In fact, you're encouraged to include more than just your formal work history. Use your profile to feature volunteer work, extracurricular clubs, relevant schoolwork, sports team memberships, and even your career goals. Unlike a simple resume, your profile gives employers a better idea of the value you can bring to their company because you have the chance to paint the full picture.

And don't forget about "praises!" The Jobcase and Job-Z version of references, praises are a great way for coworkers, supervisors, fellow volunteers, interns, teachers, tutors, advisors or coaches to verify your experiences and attest to your capabilities.

Do I need a Jobcase profile?

No, but because Jobcase powers Job-Z, we recommend having both. Ultimately, it increases your chances of finding a job by casting a wider net.

Can I sign up for job alerts and updates?

Yes! You should be receiving updates and alerts automatically – if you're not, email us at and we'll get you on the list ASAP.

In the meantime, pop over to your spam and junk folders to make sure we haven't been banished to your inbox's dungeon.

Can I unsubscribe from Job-Z emails and phone services, but still keep my account?

Yes. Simply email us at and request to be placed on the do-not-call list.

To unsubscribe from all future Job-Z emails, reply to the most recent Job-Z email with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

Can I keep my Jobcase profile and get rid of Job-Z?

Sure...if you want us to cry our way home.

How do I cancel my Job-Z account?

We're sad to see you go. Click here to cancel your Job-Z account.